Saturday, January 14, 2006

No Compromise

I am not a political science student, and try to keep away from party politics as much as possible. In my view, the term 'ethical party' is a grotesque oxymoron. Right from the time of Cromagnon man (and most likely beforehand), the hominid species has been tearing this earth and itself assunder, and political parties are suited-up, formal microcosms of this dynamic. However, it is better to have asthma than AIDS, so I am an NDP and Block supporter, Now, I am far beyond my hippy days of naive idealism; neither party is going to win a majority in this annoying, depressive election. Though it is strategic to think a minority Conservative government will turn enough folks off the first-past-the-post system and onto pro-rep and will lead to the final demise of the Conservatives, I do not have enough faith that my fellow Canadians will have the emotional and ethical intelligence to react the way I would want them to. I see this country becoming more and more the antithesis of what I once viewed it to be: as one that would stave off the values of the hideous likes of the Bush Administration, a welfare state that would put health care, social services and education before war-mongering, oil and dimes. Stephen Harper is a sociopath; just take a look at his eyes the next time you see him on the tele or in the newspaper. They have that 'I don't know how to care or feel' glaze, and unlike Bush, Harper has a brain, which may make him even more of a monster. We have to do everything in our power to kick the Conservatives out, even if that means the Liberals are in for another term. Though the left holds some great principles, it is always under threat of being split. I say do one of two things in this election: Vote NDP or Block if they are doing well in your riding, but if there is no hope in hell for them in your region, vote Liberal. Again, I am no political scientist, just a jaded dreamer who doesn't want to be forced to leave her country because the very thought of her new government's heartlessness makes her vomit.


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