Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Andrew Phillips in Conversation with Stephen Buckley

New to the Vista Editorial Podcast collection:

A 4 audio segment conversation between Stephen Buckley and Andrew Phillips about

- his MA research on bulk water policy
- federal Liberal leadership candidate Stephane Dion and his background, strengths and campaign messages
- other Liberal leadership candidates, focusing mostly on Ignatieff, Kennedy, Rae, Dryden, Fry, Brison and Volpe
- the importance of proportional representation in the Canadian electoral system
- military spending
- fixed federal election dates
- the prime minister as an American Idol
- a general evaluation of Stephen Harper as prime minister

Podcast at http://dgiVista.org/pod/Andrew1.mp3
Podcast at http://dgiVista.org/pod/Andrew2.mp3
Podcast at http://dgiVista.org/pod/Andrew3.mp3
Podcast at http://dgiVista.org/pod/Andrew4.mp3

Podcast feed at http://dgivista.org/pod/Vista_Podcasts.xml
Podcast feed for iTunes at itpc://dgivista.org/pod/Vista_Podcasts.xml


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