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poised to write
wait a minute--

the hum returns
the hum that hintsat ignorance

what is the extent
my extent
which eludes the voicein my head

just call me
to say what you needto say
leave me to my peace
for it eluded me   so long

hold on
oh, hold on
to the   release
before i trap me
before it traps me

who was the poet inmy heart
who spoke the wisdom 
which i could notdevise/derive

small children
play with invisiblefriends

         i camp 
                under the stars

don't call me
rolling peace downthe grassy hill
Moments of Beauty
they are just moments
that i cling to duringthe stretches
in which i cannotsee any  more

because my eyes arefull of tears
mourning the immediacyof
Moments of Beauty

i awake
wipe my eyes
and see the
Moment of Beauty
that exists
because i am here
to see it

life is nothing ifnot to Love
nor am i

Copyright 1990, StephenBuckley
04.02.90, 350pm

Impeach Bush

Killer Coke


International Committee of the Red Cross

Amnesty International

Doctors Without Borders

No Sweat Apparel.com

Rumsfeld and The Grinch?
Separated at Birth?

the Onion


dali global intelligentsia Vista dot org

Because sometimes the surreal is the only viable approach
The big picture is the only picture
Since we're all in this together, let's put our minds together
We're dead without a vision. What's yours?
dot org
We're no dot com

Education . Fiction . Personal . Poetry . Politics

Email me: NotUninspired at Yahoo dot com

Stephen Buckley, CEO* of dgiVista.org [un]Limited

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* CEO = [Chief Entropic Officer]

ISSN 1198-7634
This gravitational colour scheme is brought to you by the letter L, the number 12, the red wheelbarrow and the palm at the end of the mind.